(866)339-0371 rbc@todaysbrother.com

Welcome to the RBC

RBC Vision Statement


The Religious Brothers Conference is the organization that gives visibility to the special charism

and vocation of the religious Brother. We invite all Brothers and the entire Church community to proclaim the role and ministry of religious Brotherhood in today’s world.


RBC Mission Statement


The Religious Brothers Conference (RBC) is a service organization in the Catholic Church. The mission of the RBC is to promote an awareness of the calling of Brothers in the Church and society. We encourage all Brothers to live the Gospel message in a prophetic way with respect to the charism and tradition of their particular institute.


The Religious Brothers Conference:

* Promotes the vocation and ministry of Brothers in the Church

* Acts as a professional and ministerial resource for its members

* Provides opportunities for ongoing formation and spiritual growth


Join the RBC

To register for the 2025 Assembly, go to https://www.nixmeetings.com/RBC2025

You can print a copy of the Assembly 2025 schedule— the link can be found in RBC’s electronic newsletter.